Thursday 10 May 2012

Reflections on Making of the Pattern

Reflections on Making of the Pattern
I found the draping on the stand quite hard at first because I had not draped such a fitted bodice before, only the historical blouses we draped on the stand. However, this has helped me to feel far more confident in draping a pattern on the stand which will enable me to develop these skills further during third year. Although I did make a few mistakes when marking out the pattern with the designers tape I have developed my skills in being able to identify how a shape can look odd on the body and correct it.
I have also learnt the necessity of counting and checking over the pattern again before I start pining on the calico as it is so easy to mark out too many panels. Although a mistake like this is correctable it wastes a lot of time having to redo it.
When transferring the lines of the designers tape to the calico I found that my lines where a little shaky so this is something I need to improve. Because the pattern drafting stage is so crucial if this is in correct then the whole garment will be in correct.

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