Saturday 19 May 2012

Reflections on the Costume Decoration

Refections on the Costume Decoration

This is the design which Mark gave each of us so I have been able to develop my skills at interpreting a costume design. I am pleased with the outcome of my decoration I feel that the colour I mixed is a close match to the swatches, it looks good against the white of the costume.

I am fairly pleased with the placement of my decoration although it is not exactly as the costume design places it I feel that this shape flatters the shape of the body better creating more curves. I am going to adjust a few of the petals the three on the left look a little out of place. I am also going to add more at the waist of the bodice coming down to the net. When I was doing the decoration workshop I enjoyed the freedom I had to create whatever character I wanted. That being so I also enjoyed this part of the unit having to interpret a design as there was more freedom here than I imagined there would be but I also enjoyed the structure of learning how to make a ballet costume.

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