Thursday 10 May 2012

Reflections on Making of the Bodice

Reflections on Making of the Bodice
I have never used a fabric like the slipper satin before and I did find it very hard to use because it moved especially when I was trying to find the bias and straight grain it wouldn’t lie flat. However, I through this I have developed my skills in working with slippery fabrics I have learnt how to handle such fabrics with care so that it doesn’t bruise and fray. Therefore during third year I will be able to use fabrics like this and be confident in doing so.
Up until this point I had not made a garment on the bias therefore I have learnt how to sew it without adding to much stretch. Although I found that some of my pattern pieces were too small to connect the design lines I think the mistakes must have been when marking out the lines on the calico pattern.
 This created problems when sewing on my piping cord which is the part of my bodice I am least happy with. For it meant that my bodice is not completely especially at the bust. Also when I was sewing my piping on I was rushing so, I didn’t spot and correct where the stitch line of the piping cord could be seen. Although I saw and corrected some areas I missed others until I was cutting down the excess and I could fold back the piping cord properly by which time it was too late. Therefore this has developed my learning in the fact that although I need to speed up my making skills getting the garment to look good is more important. Therefore, when making my time table I need to allow more time for such tasks as these, which I have never done before and effect the overall look of the garment.
Although, I did make mistakes this has developed my skills and for third year when doing piping I will know how hard I find it therefore I will take more time over it.

This later development of having to alter my bodice to fit my manikin has delayed my time plan which i have found frustrating however, it was important to alter it. Although I wish I had checked better before I had sewed on the piping so that I would not have had to unpick and re-sew so much taking up even more of my time which should have been spent sewing on the decoration.

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