Thursday 3 May 2012

Decoration Workshop

Decoration Workshop
Before we started the workshop we had to consider what ballet decoration should look like and it purpose: ballet decoration should look delicate and fine the costumes should not look like human hands have made them so such things as chunky beads should not be used. Another point that has to be considered when creating the decoration is whether it will be read from a distance so it has to be bold but delicate for the people right at the back need to see the detail of the costume. Also the shape of the decoration has to be equal and balanced. The decoration also helps to convey the character because as soon as a dancer comes onto the stage the audience have to understand who she is. The decoration should also only be centred on the front of the costume because the male has to be able to lift her without any restrictions. Also the decoration needs to be sewn on the manikin so that it doesn’t alter the shape of the garment in any way.

We looked at the decoration of costumes such as this one from the royal ballet for Swan Lake, to give us ideas as to what can be used for decoration.
My decoration
For the decoration on this bodice I was inspired by quite a dark evil character because of this black and green swirly fabric which I used by cutting out the motifs of the pattern to then create the initial shape of the decoration. I then cut into some black lace and went around the edge of the pattern; because the lace didn’t lie flat it looked moss like so I built into this idea by poking out green and brown fabric to make it look earthy like a damp wood. The decoration I felt suited the character of Madge in La Sylphide.

Although, this decoration is for more of a classical style tutu it’s interesting to see whether a evil character can be portrayed through a bodice and tutu and I think it works well.
Once I had sewn this bodice I added beads to make the costume stand out more and create shape and curve at the bust area. I think I need to add even more beads to create more shape at the bust and to add more highlights, because although it is very delicate costume it does need to be readable. Having to hand sew this delicate lace has developed my skills in learning how to be gentle when sewing. Also improving my time management to makesure that I had enough time to sew my samples so that I don't rush and ruin the costume. I am however, pleased with the result I feel I have sewn the bodice well so that you cannot see any of te stitches.
For the decoration of this bodice I wanted to create a very delicate piece to show a damsel in distress that needs protecting a character that is young and in love like Juliet. I’m going to bead the bodice so that it brings out the colours and highlights it. For at the moment it is so delicate it will not be read very well from a distance.


This bodice was very much inspired by the movie The Black Swan and the merging and conflict between the two sides of her character; I want to add beading and possibly sequins to make the colours stand out more.

It was good to learn how to make this lattice as it was quite hard to make each square equal because it changes as it moulds over the body this decoration is often used for country girls costumes and is used for Cinderella’s dress.
Once I had sewn on the lattice bodice I found that I should have adjusted some of the squares because they are not completely equal.

This is for the plate tutu I was very much inspired by the colours on the male peacock’s tail feathers so I wanted to recreate that shape. This could be used for a character like the blue bird.
Learning how to decorate a plate tutu and bodice has helped develop my skills at using decoration to tell the story of the character not just to look pretty. I have learnt the importance in ballet and all theatre that the decoration needs to be read from a distance but still delicate. It also helped to develop my skills in using fabrics in different ways so cutting into lace and ribbons to create the decoration rather than just applying a strip of lace looking at how you can use the decoration in a different way. It was hard at times to know how to develop the decoration for the evil character I wasn’t sure what to do after I had applied the patterned silk. I had to learn not to be precious with my work but test and see if something looked good and if it didn’t change it. I enjoyed the freedom we had in this workshop to express different characters we were interested in. It will be interesting working from our designs to try to recreate what Mark has drawn as I feel it will be very different because there is not that same amount of freedom within the decoration when you are working to the specifications of the designer.

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