Sunday 20 May 2012


Through this unit I have been able to expand and develop my knowledge of ballet which has been a subject I have wanted to develop my skills in from the beginning. Through this unit I have been able to consolidate my professional development plan as it has enabled me to realise that I would like to work in the ballet industry. My work experience in the workrooms for the Olympics opening ceremony also enabled me to experience a workroom in the professional environment, and I enjoyed it. Consequently I feel I have discovered the professional environment I would like to work in; for even though tasks such levelling my tutu was monotonous I still enjoyed it. Therefore, in third year I would like to develop these skills further.
Through this unit I have had to develop my time management skills as this was something that needed improving after my last project. Although, I have improved in this area I have realised that the time table which I set my self was unrealistic, therefore daily I timetabled the tasks that needed doing, I found these much easier to meet. My time table was more structured compared to other projects, because Mark spent taught us the skills to make a ballet costume. This has meant that I have had continuous deadlines throughout the project. Therefore, I have had to develop my skills at prioritising tasks whilst still completing other deadlines. That being so I have had to learn that some tasks take longer than others. I found that the piping was a laborious task therefore to complete it on time I rushed a little which I regret because it is not as neat as it should be. Therefore I have had to develop my skills in learning how to allow more time to do tasks which are hard. Consequently, I have learnt how to work independently through this project because; although Mark taught us a lot I had to then fulfil those tasks independently through looking at Mark’s Sample and discussing with my peers.
Through this unit I have developed my contextual understanding of ballet and its costumes, through learning the history of how it developed to become the ballet we see now. Before I feel my view of ballet, was narrow mined as I had only seen classical performances. However, I have expanded my view of what dance and ballet should be through comparing and contrasting the three different performances of Swan Lake. Also through watching performances such The Afternoon of the Fawn and Bourne’s Swan Lake which have and are challenging the audience’s concept of what ballet is.
Through the decoration and sleeve workshop I have developed my creative skills by learning how to use the decoration to convey the character of the performer. Rather than only using the decoration to make it look pretty. I have developed my eye in putting together decoration and using trimmings in different ways to create different characters.
Through this unit I have improved my skills at draping on the stand which will help me during third year if I should choose to make a historical costume. Although, I still need to improve my skill at translating the design lines to the calico to make my pattern more accurate as when I came to pin my design together I found that my neck line design did not match up at the side panel.
Through this project I have also expanded my skills in working with slippery fabrics although, I found it hard especially when cutting out the pattern pieces to keep the grain line straight. Another thing I found with this fabric was that when you unpicked seams it left holes in the satin. This is unfortunate because I found that my bodice did not fit my manikin after I had sewed the hooks and bars to the bodice. Therefore I have developed my problem solving skills through not panicking but adjust the bodice at the side seams.
Although, my costume is not perfect I have been able to develop my skills in costume making preparing me for third year. I have been able to develop my skills from my last project which I wanted to improve on. Through learning further how to interpret a design although at the same time I was able to create a costume which reflects Degas Dancers the blue I mixed echo’s the blues he uses in his paintings. I have developed my sewing skills for I have learnt how to work quicker, although the costume is not as neat as I wanted it to be I am pleased with what I have achieved.

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