Thursday 10 May 2012

Levelling the Tutu

Levelling the tutu
I had to level out my tutu once they were constructed. A ballet tutu is always measured from the ground up so that all the corps tutus are the same level. For this tutu it is 12 inches from the ground however, it is graduated slightly so that it is longer at the back than at the front. It graduates at different points so at the bust line it drops a ¼ then at the side seam ¼ and shoulder line ¼ until it gets to the CB at 11inches.
To make it easier to level it off we cut on layer at a time and gathered the rest of the tutu to the top of the manikin then placed it on the tables so I was level with it.

Before I cut each layer I steamed them well. It was hard to get the measurements accurate especially on the back of the tutu because there are so many pleats. Cutting the net was very hard because I sometimes cut jaggered lines so I had to go back and correct them which made the whole process take longer. It was also hard because I often found although I had cut it to the pins it wasn’t the same level as the last layer so, I had to cut off more net until it was level.
Although I found this task I actually really enjoyed it. It has helped to develop my time keeping skills so that I make sure I have time to do everything else. It has also developed my accuracy in my costume making which will help me in 3rd year.

Once the tutu was levelled I sewed the hooks and bars to the basque. On the waistband I used the trouser hooks and bars because they offered more strength, and then the other two just the size 3 hooks and bars. I sewed these on using button hole stitch.

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