Friday 18 May 2012

Attaching the bodice to the tutu

Attaching the bodice to the tutu

Once the bodice and tutu was finished I needed to attach them together.
First I had to pin on the inside matching the bottom of the waistband to the waistline on the bodice. First I had to find the CF of the bodice and match it to the waistband I found this a little hard at first because I kept on pining it just of the CF which meant the CB didn’t match. So in the end I measured the width and found the middle through that. I then continued pining only on the seam allowance up to the elastic then I pinned coming back from the CB.
I then put the costume on the manikin so because the bodice needs to be pinned on through the piping as I was pining I pulled tension on the piping this meant that all the gathers on the tutu where covered. I did not pin the CF bodice.
I then took the costume off the stand and sewed where I had pinned using back stitch making sure that I only went through the grove of the piping. This was a very time consuming task as I found that in places the gather stitch was showing so I had to unpick it and redo it. However, it was done eventually and I could then swing catch all the inside seams apart from the S/S.

Once the bodice was attached it looked like these I feel I could have made the stitching at the piping neater however, I needed to get it done today so that I could pin my decoration on my costume. Otherwise I would have been very behind on my timetable.

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