Thursday 26 April 2012

Les Sylphides Review

Les Sylphides
This production is often confused with La Sylphide however; the only similarity is the dancing of Sylphs in a wood. This production is a full ballet blanc and is only half an hour long this is because it is a non narrative piece. There is only one male in the whole production and his identity is unknown he is only really there so that there can be lifts in the piece. Although this performance allowed the ballet dancing to be focused upon however, I didn’t really enjoy the piece I felt that they repeated a lot of the dance moves. It lacked emotion and the music does not change tone so the dance moves are all very gentle which reflects the Sylphs characters well but offers no excitement for the audience.
The costumes where pretty although I preferred the wings in La Sylphide they where a far better wing shape in this production I felt they were too small. I also didn’t like the sleeves they didn’t give a pleasing silhouette.
Overall I feel I prefer a ballet production with more substance which uses the dancing to tell a story not just dancing for the sake of dancing.

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