Thursday 26 April 2012

La Sylphide Review

Review La Sylphide
La Sylphide is considered a ballet blanc because there is a scene when all the chor of sylphs are in white it is considered the corner stone of the romantic ballet being the oldest surviving romantic ballet. Although it is a Danish ballet production with its premiere at Copenhagen, they choose to set it in Scotland I feel this helps to separate the real world from the fantastical. Giving the costumes grounding in the traditions of this world shows such a stark contrast to the fantasy world. Especially when you first see the Sylph in the hall which is quite gloomy and dark compared to her light floaty costume.
The dancing between James and the Sylph also shows the contrast between the two worlds for they never really dance together as if he is not allowed to touch her. It is not until Madge gives James the scarf and he puts it around the Sylph that he actually touches her unfortunately to her doom. These death scene is very emotional the way we see the Sylph lose her strength as the other Sylphs try to help her onto point but she cannot she is so weak.
It was lovely to see the way the romantic tutu moves as that is the tutu I’m going to be making. The romantic tutu does move far more gently than the plate I feel it portrays the ethereal character of the Sylph well.
I thoroughly enjoyed this production it was funny but emotional the story was very clear and easy to understand through the mime.

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