Thursday 15 March 2012

Review of Swan Lake Performed by Moscow Ballet

I enjoyed production to a certain extent I felt that it did have that magically other worldly feel to the production the scene with the swans by the lake side was particularly beautiful. Before the scene started they dropped down a gauze backdrop so that when they lit the stage behind you could make out the shapes of swans. The gauze backdrop was lifted to reveal this magical lake side with the moonlit shimmering through the mist.
The costumes of the swans themselves where very delicate and floaty to create that appearance of feathers however, I feel perhaps if they had used to romantic tutu it would have created more delicate movements depicting the gracefulness of the swan.
I felt that the choice of putting the Prince into the black tunic and the attendant into white when we were first introduced to their characters was a little confusing, for we associate black with evil. So, at first I thought that the attendant was the Prince. I felt that overall there was so cohesive colour scheme it was a mixture of pastels and bright colours so it looked a bit messy.  I quite liked the velvet bodice of the black swan. The purple used for Rothbart’s cape was too harsher contrast to the other colours his whole costume should have been more menacing. I did not shiver to my core by his presences.
I did feel that the whole play lacked passion you could not feel any fear from Odette when she first meets the Prince and then when they fall in love there was no real longing to be in one another’s arms.
The fool was an excellent dancer he had so much energy he was a pleasure to watch.
It was a shame that the music was not live because it gives such a different quality to the whole production.
Overall I feel that it was an okay interpretation however, compared to other productions I have seen of Swan Lake it did not sweep me into this magical world where maidens can be turned into swans and turn back into princesses when they find true love.

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